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Call out to Caryophyllene

Lemon balm is one of the many plants with the terpene Caryophyllene


Understand that since sativa and indica strains of Cannabis now are so interbred, we need to examine individual terpenes to differentiate the types of Cannabis and to decide what strain works best for what medical condition.

Terpenes are the aromatic organic hydrocarbons found in essential oils of plants that provide the smell and taste of plant as well as their own individual medicinal benefits.

This terpene has a woody, spicy aroma, and I have read it defined smelling midway between cloves and turpentine. It is common in Cannabis as well as in a number of other plants such as black pepper, hops, cloves, lemon balm, basil, oregano, true cinnamon and ylang-ylang.

Who does it benefit?

Caryophyllene is noted for pain relieving effects in mouse models of inflammatory and neuropathic pain. It also has shown in research with mice that it produces multiple behavioral changes relevant to anxiety and depression.

One of the most common terpenes encountered in Cannabis, Caryophyllene adds beneficial benefits to the Cannabis cannabinoids in the following medical conditions:

Anti-inflammatory (Ozturk 2005, Russo 2016),

Protects cells lining digestive tract (Tamne et al 1996)

There also is significant evidence that it plays a role helping with insomnia and neuropathic pain.

In dealing with these medical conditions, consider ensuring that the terpene Caryophyllene is part of your Cannabis profile.

Additional interesting facts about Caryophyllene

Caryophyllene oxide has the distinction of being the component responsible for cannabis identification by drug-sniffing dogs (Stahl and Kunde, 1973).

Research is being conducted showing that Caryophyllene binds with the CB2 system in our endocannabinoid system, which may help in addiction treatment. (Russo)

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