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Thank you to everyone who has followed this website and explored the powers of Cannabis  with me. The experience of writing and researching the book, Healing Cannabis Edibles, has been a gift.


We began researching just before Cannabis was legalized. I continue to embrace the healing properties of Cannabis, but realize that there now are hundreds of other excellent websites and blogs providing education about the plant. This website is no longer needed.

 We no longer will be selling Healing Cannabis Edibles on this website.  You can find it online and in many Cannabis shops.  However, please feel free to contact me  with any questions.

Again, much gratitude to the wonderful souls we have met, and to the exciting adventures we encountered through the writing, publishing and distribution of Healing Cannabis Edibles. 




A journalism graduate, I have written for newspapers and magazines, been a business and corporate writer, speechwriter, and book editor. I was the national director of public relations for a hotel chain before opening an event planning and writing company, Grand Events, which ran for almost 20 years.


Upon retiring, I followed my longtime passion for gardening and growing food. I wrote a garden column for a national newspaper and a blog for a gardening magazine before co-authoring with Dan Cooper to write Gardening from a Hammock, a practical guide to low-maintenance gardening.


As a longtime Kripalu yoga student and teacher, I have a profound interest in learning how to heal with the mind, body and spirit.




 My most serious work has been researching with my husband John Park, the ways to help our epileptic son. 

When our son was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 13, he tried one anticonvulsant drug after another, each producing numbing side-effects that affected his personality, memory and mood and none of which prevented seizures. During the next two decades he explored a myriad of alternatives: severe diet restrictions, electronic stimulus, light therapy, talk therapy, shamans and medical intuitives. Many of these worked for short periods of times. Then he learned about CBD oil and Cannabis strains highly slanted toward CBD, which to date, combined with a small pharmaceutical dose of Tegretol, has worked the best. 

Based on these results, we became aware of the benefits of Cannabis, but it wasn't until co-authoring
Healing Cannabis Edibles, that I learned just how much more  powerful Cannabis can be when its potential is understood. 



HCE Cover_NEW-2.jpg
This book by Pat Crocker and Ellen Novack provides a fresh perspective on understanding and working with Cannabis. An educational primer and healthy  cookbook, Healing Cannabis Edibles will help people make informed decisions about consuming Cannabis.

Take the guesswork out of dosing making 
edibles, as each teaspoon of infusion provides 10 mg THC.

Read more about it under the Book tab
To Order:

CANADIAN ORDERS: $27.95 +$10 shipping.

US & INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: $24.95 +$15 shipping.
Discounts available for orders of 10 or more.

Directly contact:

Or visit any of the stores listed under Find Books Here.



I am available to talk to groups about Cannabis, about the plant, its cannabinoids, terpenes and how they all work together to affect our health. For a Cannabis primer slide presentation, contact me directly from this website. 





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